Club News

Tauranga Fishing Report 6th October 2016

ROLY’s Fishing Report – 6th October 2016

–Hauraki, The Hits, News Talk, Radio Sport —

The 3 day Monster Trout weekend being a huge success with most of the 53 anglers choosing to fish the Lake Rotoiti waters. With overcast skies and the odd bit of rain the opening day fired with overall 103 trout being weighed and twice this amount released. The largest a 4.1kg Brown trout to Mitchell Tombleson on board the Waka. This fishery is in fine form with the average size again up on last year at 2.13kg.

Thank you to Hamills Tauranga, Pine Sawmills, and Kilwell for your continued generous sponsorship.

Other than the fresh water fishing very little activity coastally due to the squally weather. Masses of kahawhai hugging the coast that are feeding up the current whitebait and smelt run. If your after some light fly fishing sport or easy softbait action 10-12 m of water both along Papamoa and Matakana Island are the place to go.

Coming up on the 15th and 16th of October is the Inter Club tournament against Mount Maunganui, so we want as many members as we can to get involved. Also on the Wed 13th October at 6.30pm we have Rick Pollock in the Club as our guest speaker talking about tournament tactics. It’s free so we will see you there!



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